By Doug Hutchcraft

There's a scene in the classic Charlie Brown Christmas special that isn't super Christmas-y...but that describes what so many feel during the holiday season.

Charlie tells Lucy "I'm not happy. I don't feel the way I'm supposed to feel." Lucy's prescription? "Charlie Brown, you need purpose!"

Believe it or not, she may be on to something. God's Book says we are born with something in our heart called sin...and that it separates us from the One that made us...the One that God's Book also says we were created to have a relationship with. When we don't, our life's greatest purpose - to know and love God - is unfulfilled.

That's the bad news. The good news is God's Book also says "Christ died once for bring you to God." When you accept the gift of Jesus dying in your place for running your life your way, instead of His, what God calls sin, you are forgiven and free to be who God made you to be.

To learn more about God's purpose for your life, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or

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