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If my wife could change one thing about Christmas it would probably be my ugly Christmas sweaters. They're tucked back in my closet and get pulled out each December. These are usually out of sight and I think my wife likes it that way.

Maybe you have something "ugly" - something secret - out of sight from most people. I'm not talking about a Christmas sweater, but that dark part of who you were or maybe still are. Depression, anger, wrong thoughts - things you don't like other people knowing about.

Christmas is all about someone who can help us deal with those secret things and find freedom. Beyond the manger stands the Cross, where Jesus died for you, so you can be free from pain, from hurt, free from hurt you've caused others.

In the Bible, God tells us that if Jesus sets us free, "we will be free indeed." If you're ready to be free from the ugly stuff, and you're ready for the peace and freedom only Jesus brings, text us at 888-NEED-HIM, or You can find lasting peace this Christmas!