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Let's see...putting on too many Christmas pounds...waiting too late to get what that loved one really wanted...driving in treacherous weather. For all its joys, Christmas has its dangers, too.

Like the spiritual danger revealed in the story of the first Christmas. When the wise men reported to King Herod the star they were following to the baby King of the Jews, he asked his Bible scholars what the prophecies said about it. They went right to verses that said their King would be born in Bethlehem.

They knew all about the King God sent. But they missed Him.

That's easy to do. You can know a lot about Jesus but never really know Him. The Bible people can be in the most dangerous place of all. So near - but so far.

Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures...yet you refuse to come to Me" (John 5:39 - NLT).

Could it be that you have Jesus in your head - but not in your heart? He died for your sin - but you've never pinned all your hopes on Him.

You can get it done today! Text us at 888-NEED-HIM or

And go to sleep tonight with Jesus in your heart.