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There's two trillion galaxies! That's the latest mind-blowing news from the Hubble telescope.

Now take a peek at that newborn baby in that dirty stable that first Christmas. That's Jesus, right? Yes. But the Bible says that's God's Son who "became flesh and lived among us." And, "He created everything there is" the Bible says (John 1:14; 1:3).

Those helpless little baby hands made two trillion galaxies! Years later those hands will be nailed to a cross, dying on a tree He made. Nailed there by men He created.

Why? The Bible says, "He loved me, and gave Himself for me" (Galatians 2:20). Because we've hijacked our life from God who gave it to us. To do what we want.

But in spite of our cosmic rebellion, He loves us. Beyond words. So Jesus came all the way from His throne in heaven to pay your penalty so you would never have to. And He's waiting right now to forgive every sin and flood your life with His love and power.

If you want to belong to Him, text us at 888-NEED-HIM or