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The Rotor. This big revolving cylinder ride at our local amusement part. It started spinning...the floor disappeared...I was pretty sure I was going to die. I didn't. Because when things are spinning fast, you get thrown to the outside.

That's what happened to Jesus on the night He was born. It was busy time in Bethlehem...the inn was full...his parents were told, "No room." Welcome to the stable!

People are still telling Jesus, "No room." Our lives are spinning so fast, He gets thrown to the edge. Leaving us incurably lonely, clueless about why we're here and lost in our sin.

The Bible says we were "created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). But "we have left God's paths to follow our own" (Isaiah 53:6). So we're away from God - now, and maybe forever.

But Jesus came and died to pay for every sin. And now He knocks on the door of our heart, ready to forgive, and love, and give us heaven. He may be knocking on your heart-door - don't tell Him "no room."

Reach for Him. Text us at 888-NEED-HIM or Answer - while He's knocking.