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I ran into our local newspaper editor at the Christmas parade, and he told me about an exclusive story they were working on. Knowing a little bit about journalist-think, I said, "Hey, it's all about the story, isn't it? Especially when it comes to Christmas, huh?"

And it really is an amazing story. First, the stable - where the God who made the galaxies comes to us as one of us. And then that cross - where the Baby of Bethlehem becomes the sacrifice to pay my death penalty for my sin. And that earth-shaking third chapter - the grave. The empty grave. Where Jesus blew death away, proving that only He can give you eternal life.

The next chapter is waiting to be written by you. As you decide what you will do with the Man who died for you. Give yourself to Him or ignore His death for you. Which will decide the ending of the story? Heaven or hell.

If you want to get this settled this Christmas season, would you call us at 888-Need-Him? And your story will never be the same.