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Our granddaughter was only a year old when she revealed that she was going to be our manger arranger. Well, it was pretty moving the first time Mommy saw how her little daughter had rearranged the figures in their manger scene. Everyone - humans, animals - was facing Jesus. And it's been that way every Christmas since.

Now, our granddaughter's onto something. See, every one of us was made to face Jesus. The Bible says we were "created by Him and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). But the Bible also says we've chosen to go the opposite direction - "Each one has turned to His own way" (Isaiah 53:6). It's called sin. Created for Him, living for me. That's why we're lonely, and empty and wondering why we're here. And why we have no chance of heaven.

Except for what Jesus did. When He paid for our sin on the cross. He's alive today, waiting to welcome you into His love. And if you're ready to have Him forgive every sin, would you call us at 888-Need-Him? Because one day you will face Jesus - as your Savior or your Judge.