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It's so dark on some Indian reservations at Christmas. I've driven across them and seldom - if ever - seen any Christmas lights.

Maybe that's because for so long so many have thought Jesus wasn't for them. Their history has convinced them Jesus is "the white man's God." But Jesus was a brown-skinned Mediterranean Jew...from a tribe... living on land others had taken over. He was poor, He was from a village, He died a violent death - like the reservation.

But Native Americans aren't alone. Many folks reject Jesus because of wrong ideas about Him. He's not Christianity the religion - or Christians, His imperfect followers. He's heaven's Rescuer who, the Bible says, "gave Himself for our sins to rescue us" (Galatians 1:3), who loves you more than anyone ever could.

It's Jesus you're deciding about. Who's waiting for you to reach for His outstretched hand.

We'd love to talk with you about belonging to Him - if you'll call us at 888-NEED-HIM or chat with us at - Because you really do need Him.