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It wasn't really on my Christmas "to do" list. City Boy running around in the cold for hours, looking for a lost sheep. Our friend had just bought this lamb to give to his grandchildren - but it escaped. We felt terrible that the lost sheep never made it home.

Well, that's a feeling Jesus knows all too well. Because that first Christmas, God's Son came to earth to bring us lost sheep home to God. He said He came "to seek and to save what was lost" (Luke 19:10). And that's what He's doing right now. He's seeking you. To save you.

See, we're lost because we've wandered away from our Creator to go our own way. And bringing us back wasn't easy. Jesus said, "I lay down My life for the sheep" (John 10:15). On a cross. Absorbing all the guilt and all the hell that you and I deserve.

That is how much He loves you.

This can be the day His lost sheep comes home. If you want to belong to Him, tell Him that. And call us at 888-Need-Him. He's come a long way to find you.