Family gatherings can be challenging at times, for some even more than others. But as followers of Jesus, we have access to the fruit of the Spirit to help us navigate tricky situations.

On the latest episode of Go M.A.D. the conversation was about how to apply the fruit of the Spirit when dealing with challenging situations with friends and families around the holidays:

Love: Choose to act in others' best interests, even when it's difficult. This might mean biting your tongue when you're tempted to make a sarcastic comment, or going out of your way to help someone who's been unkind to you in the past.

Joy: Maintain a positive attitude and look for reasons to be thankful. Focus on the blessings of family, even if they're not perfect. Your joy can be contagious and help lighten the mood for everyone.

Peace: Be a calming presence amidst family tensions and drama. If conflicts arise, try to be a peacemaker rather than taking sides. Offer to mediate if appropriate, or simply model peaceful behavior yourself.

Patience: Take a deep breath and respond slowly rather than reacting. Remember that everyone has their own struggles and baggage. Give grace, just as God has been patient with you.

Kindness: Offer practical help and speak words of encouragement. Look for small ways to show kindness, like helping with dishes or offering to run an errand. A simple act of kindness can soften even the hardest heart.

Goodness: Look for opportunities to bless others and meet needs. This could be as simple as bringing a thoughtful gift or offering to babysit for a stressed-out relative. Let your actions reflect the goodness of God.

Faithfulness: Be consistent in showing Christ's love, even when it's not reciprocated. Don't give up on difficult family members. Your steady faithfulness can be a powerful witness over time.

Gentleness: Use a soft tone of voice and avoid harsh words. When you need to address a sensitive issue, do so with gentleness and respect. Remember that gentleness is not weakness, but strength under control.

Self-control: Know when to step away if you feel yourself getting upset. It's okay to take a break to cool down and regain your composure. Practice self-control in your words, actions, and even your facial expressions.

When we aim to live out the fruit of the Spirit, we can respond to difficult relatives in a way that honors God and potentially opens doors for deeper relationships. Remember, you may be the only Bible some family members ever read. Let the fruit of the Spirit shine through you this holiday season.

As you prepare for family gatherings, maybe consider memorizing Galatians 5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." Meditate on these qualities and ask God to cultivate them in your life.

Finally, remember that exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit is not about perfection, but progress. You may stumble at times, but don't be discouraged. Each interaction is an opportunity to grow in Christlikeness and to demonstrate His love to your family. With prayer, patience, and persistence, you can make a lasting difference in your family dynamics, one fruit-filled interaction at a time.

Go M.A.D. at your family gatherings this year!