By Brad Hutchcraft

It's our daughter's first year of college, and I don't really try to hide the fact that I miss her. Even if I did try, my eyes would tell the full story. So, it should come as no surprise that the anticipation for her Christmas break hits a little differently. In the midst of all of the baking and decorating, while hanging Christmas ornaments, while balancing on the ladder with lights in hand, there is this recurring thought...

"I can't wait to welcome her home!"

But then it hit me - I'm not the first father to feel that way. There have been countless other dad's waiting for their child to come home from college. From the military. Or maybe even from an uncomfortable time of separation. But this 'welcome home' feeling originated with another Father.

The Bible talks about God as Father. He's the One where that feeling really originates. That's how He feels about each one of us. He is our perfect, loving, caring Heavenly Father who wants to welcome us home into His unconditional, unloseable love.

Isaiah 9:6 says, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given... He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

There it is. "Everlasting Father." But don't miss the rest - He is our Counselor, He is the Mighty God, and He is Peace. He has been all of those things for me countless times in my life. And He can be all of those things for you, too.

His love is why Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life so He could be our spotless sacrifice, and then died on the cross. But that's not where it ended - Jesus defeated death and rose again! He did that for me. For you. So that you can have a chance to be welcomed home into His loving arms.

There is one more reminder in John 3:16. "For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

Take a moment to make that verse personal for you. Put your name in it and know that God not only loves the world that much, but He loves you the same way! If you're ready to start that relationship with Jesus, I encourage you not to wait another moment. That tug you feel on your heart right now? It's Jesus knocking on the door. There are no big magic words. Just talk to Him and say something like, "Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross for all the wrong things I've done. For my sin. Thank You for defeating death so I have a choice to live forever with You. Please forgive me. Please come into my heart. I'm ready to start this relationship with You. Help me know how to grow closer to You. I'm Yours."

When you have that relationship with Jesus, life makes a lot more sense. And you can have a Merry Christmas indeed! Your Heavenly Father is ready to welcome you with arms wide open.