Abuse, alcoholism, suicide, hopelessness, a vicious cycle - this is the life of today's Native and First Nations young people all across the United States and Canada. Native youth are searching for something to break the cycle, and the On Eagles' Wings® outreach of Hutchcraft Ministries works to introduce them to Jesus Christ, the hope for reservations and reserves across North America. How can you help Native North American young people find Jesus this summer?

Pray for On Eagles' Wings. We believe that God listens and gives us strength through the prayers of His children. The lives of Native young people depend on the prayers of God's children.

Support On Eagles' Wings. This year, expenses have risen for the Native ministry at a pace we have never seen before. Families are feeling the pinch from unprecedented fuel costs, grocery costs and just about everything else. We too are feeling the pinch, yet eternity is at stake for hundreds of Native young people.

As of today, two days before the summer outreaches begin, we have less than two-thirds the finances needed to fulfill the commitments made to spread the Gospel to Native North American young people this summer. Please prayerfully consider how you can help:

  • Online Giving: You can go online to www.hutchcraft.com and make a gift through PayPal or with your credit card and designate your gift to On Eagles' Wings.
  • Securities: You may have stocks that have appreciated in value over the years. These make great gifts and the tax advantage can be huge. By giving a gift of stock, you do not have to pay capital gain taxes on the appreciated value. You get the benefit of tax savings as well as knowing that the full value of the stock is going to help Native young people find hope in Jesus Christ. To make a gift of stock, please contact us at:

Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 400
Harrison, AR 72601
Attn: Director of Finance
877-741-1200 (toll free)

  • Checks and Money Orders: You can also send in a check or money order to the address listed above.

Thank you for your prayers and support.