"The Game Changers: Deciding Factors for Your New Year" by Ron Hutchcraft

In this chapel message, Ron discusses Jesus' two amazing game changers - His commanding authority in every situation and His compelling compassion for people. A free download of "The Game Changers: Deciding Factors for Your New Year" is being offered to you in appreciation for your partnership in 2009 through prayer and financial support.  Download "The Game Changers: Deciding Factors for Your New Year."

Dear Friend,

I just want to start this new year with a strong thank you for your part in rescuing many lost lives in the past year. We appreciate you - more than you know.

Those who care about people without Christ are tragically rare - so they're really valuable! And you're one of those! With your praying and your giving, you've stood with our team because you share Jesus' heart for those who live - and die - without Him.

Recent studies of the giving patterns of American Christians revealed something shocking - Christians give only 3% of their donations to reach the lost. Only 3% for the central mission of Jesus - "to seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10).

You're in that small, but powerful, little army of believers who have signed on for the rescue mission of Jesus. And your prayers and gifts to this ministry have multiplied many times the impact of your life on the lost. Yes, we appreciate you a lot.

This new year is going to be a very exciting, very challenging year for Hutchcraft Ministries. We believe God has given us the most powerful rescue tools and strategies we've ever had - Website-based media tools to reach a world of lost young people...a breakthrough strategy for reaching long-unreached Native Americans...community rescue events that really reach the lost...tools to mobilize and train an army of believers to be rescuers for the people they know.

At the same time, we are, like many of our friends and supporters, very vulnerable financially. We've sought the Lord for ways to do all we can with the limited funds we have right now. So your prayer for us, your gifts to this ministry, are making more of a difference than ever. Again, thank you!

We're honored to count you as a friend - not just a friend of Hutchcraft Ministries, but - like your Savior - a friend of the lost. This first week, and every week, of the new year, over one million people will go into eternity. They are why we have "to work while it is day, for the night is coming when no man can work" (John 9:4).

Grateful for a partner like you in the greatest Cause on earth,

Ron Hutchcraft