"Does God Care About Me?" is one of the videos you've enabled us to produce. This video has now logged 1.5 million views from 210 countries! It's one of the clearest, most-watched Gospel presentations on the Internet!

In the past 12 months, over 40,000 young people have indicated that they prayed to open their heart to Christ after watching this video! From a stewardship perspective, that breaks down to $2.35 spent for each of those responses. Thank you for being part of this amazing rescue breakthrough!

That's exactly what you're enabling our team to do, through the amazing technology of our time.

YouTube is a massive mission field, where literally millions of teenagers hang out every day. And because of your prayers and gifts, we are there with Gospel videos that reach into thousands of lost young lives in a matter of days.

As the Good News of Jesus "goes viral" through YouTube, lives like Jennifer's are being transformed...

"I came here because I wanted to die. I typed in 'I want to die' in the search box, and your video, 'Does God Love Me?' came up. Thank you, Lord. You knew exactly what I was going through when I wrote that."

Intercepted by Jesus. In a place she never expected to find Him. It's happening every day - probably even as you read this letter. And you are helping make it all possible!

Would you send a gift this month to help bring more lost young people to this place where so many meet Jesus? You can help make a difference to help many more know where Hope can be found!

What one gift can do still amazes me. For example, your gift of $50 shares the Gospel with 650 people! $100 shares the Gospel with 1,300 people!

Why? Because at this moment somewhere in the world, a young guy or girl is cruising the Internet, in search of love. In search of answers.

Together, we can harness the most powerful delivery system in history to deliver the most powerful Message on the planet.

Your gift today can reach them with the life-changing News that "Jesus loves you." Enough to die for you.

Praying for a harvest only God can bring,

Ron Hutchcraft

P.S. Your gift this month will bring the life-saving message of Jesus to young hearts around the world.