January 17, 2025

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Quite often, I'll speak in churches that have two morning services, and it was a Sunday like that. I went into that little room off the sanctuary where you meet to pray with church leaders. But the people who were there when I went in weren't praying. They were playing - their trombones, that is. Actually, they were warming up to play in the brass section of the church's worship band. Now, there were some very interesting sounds coming from that room. In fact, I was almost afraid to go in, but I did. And I got involved in a conversation with the men behind the music. One of them had just made a minor goof in what he was practicing. Of course, how would I know - Mr. Music Dork? But that led to George telling me why he would much rather play with a band than play a solo. He said, "It is so much easier when the band is there to support you." When I asked him what he meant by "support you," he said, "Well, the rest of the band sort of carries you along and they cover up your mistakes!"

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "You Need God's Band."

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Acts 2:14. It's in the middle of one of the most powerful sermons ever preached. It's on the day the Holy Spirit came just as Jesus had predicted to indwell and empower His followers. It's about two months after Jesus' return to heaven, and Peter is standing right in the middle of the crowds in downtown Jerusalem. The city is still very highly charged with hostility toward Jesus and toward His followers. Remember the preacher here is Peter, the same man who wimped out on Jesus only a few weeks earlier. He denied Jesus even in front of a little girl. Here's what it says, "Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd." Peter went on to tell some of the very people who had crucified Jesus that they needed Him as their Savior! And 3,000 people came to Christ that day! What happened to Peter? He suddenly changed from a chicken into a tiger! Several answers: he sincerely repented of his failures, he now had the inner power of the Holy Spirit. But there was something else that gave him courage and confidence. He wasn't playing a solo. The band was there to support him! It says he "Stood up with the Eleven." We all need that kind of support. Are you consistently giving that kind of support to the people close to you? Are you playing like a team member or a solo performer? Are you doing all you can to create a climate of playing together instead of every one for himself?

God provides a beautiful score for our spiritual band to follow in Hebrews 10:24-25, a standard to measure what you're doing with your family, the folks you work with, the people you minister with. It says, "Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hey, is the result of being around you that people feel more motivated to be loving - to make a difference? It goes on to say, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Maybe you've somehow allowed yourself to slip into a solo mode where you're cut off from the support of the band and where every mistake is amplified.

In Africa, when a lion wants a gazelle for lunch, he seldom attacks when the gazelle is with the herd. He waits for it to wander off by itself. I think Satan operates like that. He wants to get you away from the rest of the band, isolate you so he can attack and devour you. Don't let your frustrations - don't let your differences get you to pull away from the band whose support you really need. That's the body of Christ.

Where you live, where you work, where you minister, be known as the encourager. Learn to appreciate the unique contribution of the other instruments, even if they sound very different from you. We were never meant to be soloists. We were created to play with the support of the band around us. Together, we can carry each other along and we can cover each other's mistakes!