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My son always cracks up whenever he visits one of his uncles. Without fail, this uncle will call my youngest "Oscar." The only problem is that isn't his name. It's a running gag, but it brings laughs every time.

It's fun with family, but for anyone who has been called the wrong name, we know how important it can be to get the name right. All around us, we hear people calling the Son of God a whole bunch of different names. The problem is, way too many are getting it wrong.

Christmas is a good time to get who Jesus is right. In the Bible, Isaiah tells us that Jesus is "Immanuel," God with us. In John 8:12, we learn that He is the "Light of the world." And straight from the Christmas story, we know Jesus Christ is our "Savior." He saved us by taking our punishment on the cross so we can live forever with Him. When you open the door to Him, Jesus will be your personal Savior.

Jesus' names all point to one thing - Hope. If you are ready for the hope only Jesus can bring, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or When Jesus comes, hope comes!