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Break out the bathrobes - time to dress Johnny up as a shepherd in the Christmas play!

Of course, shepherds really were an important part of that first Christmas. Of all the people God could have invited to be the first to see His Son come to earth, He picked shepherds.

But, then, the grown-up Jesus told us, "I am the Good Shepherd." And, man, do we need a shepherd! In our increasingly confusing, chaotic, dangerous world - we need the Shepherd Jesus to guide us, love us, keep us safe.

Because the Bible says we're like sheep. Lost sheep. It says, "All of us have wandered away (from God) like sheep" (Isaiah 53:6). Our sin has left us lost in this life - and forever lost in the next.

Except for the Shepherd who loves you too much to lose you. Jesus said, "I lay down my life for the sheep" (John 10:15). He's come looking for you today - to bring you home to God. If you want the love and security only He can give you, please contact us at 888-NEED-HIM or

He's the only safe place in a broken world.