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My children recently convinced me to try some one-of-a-kind bumper cars. See, you get strapped into a cage, and when you get hit, it's much more than a "bump" - you spin around and upside down until you don't know which end is up. Boy, was I ready to get off when the ride was over.

As I talk with friends this time of year, see people posting on social media, and even watch faces in the stores, it's clear a lot of people feel the same way about Christmas. While the songs are talking about joy and happiness, you may be feeling like I did on that ride - your life won't stop spinning, and it feels like another topsy turvy Christmas.

But Christmas doesn't have to be that way. Whether you're spinning from stress, disappointing medical news, or family drama, there's an answer. In the Bible, we are told that Jesus is the "Wonderful Counselor...the Prince of Peace." That's right - Jesus came as a baby, gave His life on the cross, and rose again so that you can have peace that lasts. Peace with God. And peace in your soul, knowing you're eternally safe.

If you've had enough of topsy-turvy living, connect with us at 888-NEED-HIM or Let the Prince of Peace calm the storm in your soul.