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We all remember George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life" as he learned the importance of his life - what a moment! A local amusement park has a stage production of it and outside sits the sign: "You are now entering Bedford Falls." They make it feel like you're stepping right into the story!

It's like the story of the first Christmas - you can find yourself in there! Maybe you're the young mom feeling overwhelmed, the father seeking to be the man he needs to be, the person who feels rejected.

You're also in the story because of the gift - the gift of Jesus. The angels said it best - " YOU is born a Savior." The Bible says we "all have sinned," which means we've run our lives our way instead of God's, and we need a Savior. Jesus came that first Christmas to give us the greatest gift, "eternal life through Jesus."

Jesus helped countless people find their place in His story. If you're ready to let Jesus write the rest of the story for you, text us at 888-NEED-HIM, or This Christmas, step into the greatest story ever!