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So what am I doing in the emergency room on Christmas Day? Getting treated for the finger I broke catching my sons' new football!

You know, it's no fun having something broken at Christmas. Especially if it's your heart. Your dream. Your life. Broken at Christmas while everyone else is doing "joy to the world."

Jesus actually came because we're broken. He said He was sent "to bind up the brokenhearted" (Isaiah 61:1). To be broken. On a cross. To heal the relationship with our God that is broken. By us hijacking our life from Him and living it our way instead of His way.

But our healing, our rescue came at an unspeakably high price. Speaking of His death on the cross to pay for our sin, He said, "This is My body, broken for you." God's Son - broken so you could be healed. Forgiven. In heaven forever.

And He's reaching out to you this Christmas. Waiting for you to reach for Him. If you're ready to experience His love, please contact us at

Let the healing begin.