Friday, March 25, 2011

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You know it's tough the first time your child goes to camp...I mean for the parent. The kids probably have a ball; it's just tough for the parents. It all comes together when you have to sign that permission slip, and then a medical release, and then insurance forms. You start to think of all the things that could go wrong - the bad things that could happen.

Now, up until now you've been there in the background to protect them and to make sure they're eating the right things, and guiding them to make the right choices. But now, even if it's only for a few days, you're turning your precious child over to someone else. That's why I like to know someone who's going to be in charge there. A lot of responsible parents do that; even with a conferences we've planned. People will say "Hey, I want to find out who I'm turning this kid over to." It's tough. I want to be able to trust the person to whom I'm handing my son or daughter. But it's still hard to release them.

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Turning Over Your Treasure."

Our word for today from the Word of God is from 1 Samuel chapter 1. I'm going to begin reading at verse 27. It's part of a prayer that Hannah, the mother of Samuel, prayed. We know that Samuel grew up to become a mighty judge in Israel; a mighty leader for God at a strategic time. She had wanted this child for so many years. She had been barren, and finally God miraculously sends her a child. Listen to her very poignant words, "I prayed for this child," she says, "and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So, now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life will be given over to the Lord." Wow!

Hannah is saying about a child that it has taken her years to have, "Lord, whatever you want to do with him; wherever you want to take him is fine with me." You know it's hard to say, "Whatever you want, Lord" just about your own life. I think it's even harder to say that about your child's life.

My friend is in the ministry. And Rob and his wife have served the Lord actively and effectively for many years. And their daughter, who's in her mid-20s, came to them and said, "Mom, Dad, I feel like God has just called me out of nursing and is calling me into the ministry." Rob said, "I couldn't believe how I responded. I said, 'Well, honey, you're making such good money now as a nurse. And, you know, that's security.'" And he said, "For two weeks I tried to talk her out of it. Finally," he said, "I realized what we had prayed for all of our lives, we were now trying to talk her out of."

Well, that's understandable. We've all been brainwashed with the American lie about what success is and what security is. We push our kids to perform and we often neglect their character. We want them to be societal winners sometimes, rather than spiritual warriors. The child God gave you is on loan to you. Not yours to keep; not yours to assign. Your job is to help them discover the person they are in Christ and the works God put them on earth to do. Not the works you want them to do.

If you're a parent, could I encourage you to take a Hannah inventory today? Are you releasing your son or daughter for whatever? Whatever assignment your Lord has for him or her? Or do you have a plan for your child that you're trying to get God to sign off on. Don't stand in the way of God's best for that child of yours, and don't be seduced by the lies our world tells us about what's best for them.

Find a quiet place, and again, turn over your treasure to the One who gave that treasure to you in the first place.