Thursday, September 10, 2009

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Some dear friends of ours lost their 19-year-old son. Because of the way it happened, his death was really a sudden, gut-wrenching tragedy. But with Jesus as their anchor, even through this, his mom and dad declared that "God wants life to come from his death." One way that's happened is through their decision to donate his organs to help save and improve some other lives. Not long after their son's death, the word came that someone in a neighboring state had received their son's heart. That's been a source of comfort and encouragement to them. As they say, "Our son's heart is giving life to someone else."

I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Living with Someone Else's Heart."

In a sense, Jesus wants to give you a new life by giving you a new heart spiritually - His heart. To live your life seeing what He sees in the lives around you, caring about the things He cares about. It's part of the miracle that happens when you turn your life over to Jesus. He fulfills the promise of Ezekiel 36:26-27, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit in you."

When you ask Jesus to put His heart in you, your life can never be the same. Paul talked about what a Jesus-heart does in our word for today from the Word of God. It's in 2 Corinthians 5, beginning with verse 14. "Christ's love compels us." Suddenly the love Jesus has for this world is part of you, and that love drives you to touch as many lives as possible with that love. Paul goes on to describe the dramatic revolution that takes place in what, or who, you live for. "He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again." Our natural bent is to live for ourselves, right? What makes us look good, what makes us comfortable, what fulfills our desires and what advances our agenda. But when Jesus puts His selfless heart in you, it's not all about you anymore. It's all about Him and about the people He died for. Your life is never the same.

A life that's all about your needs and your agenda is a very small life. A life that's all about Jesus, all about the needs of others, all about introducing people to Jesus - that's a super-sized life - one with the satisfaction of knowing you are fulfilling your created destiny. But it takes a new heart, because our heart is, by itself, self-centered and earth-centered. It's not eternity centered.

When Jesus plants His heart in you, you finally realize who you really are and why you are where you are. Paul says, "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God was making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: be reconciled to God."

Going to work is never the same again; going to school, going to the club or the gym, even going home to your neighborhood, because now you see the people there through Jesus' eyes - future inhabitants of hell - unless someone helps them get to heaven by getting them to Jesus. You now know you are there on Christ's behalf, saying what He would say to them, trying to rescue them as He would rescue them. And your everyday stuff is never everyday again; it's got eternal significance.

If your life has been very full but not very fulfilling, if you want the rest of your life to really count, if you want to live your life for something that will outlast you, then it's time for you to open up your heart to receive the heart of Jesus. It begins when you pray, "Go ahead, God, and break my heart for the things that break Yours. Go ahead and fill my heart with the love and the burden that fills Yours." Then fasten your seatbelt for a life of spiritual greatness. With His heart in you, you will live a life you could have no other way. Don't settle for anything less.